Such is Paradise

I woke up again very early. Who cares what time it was. I took the huge papaya I bought the day before for not more than 2 Euro, had a small breakfast and closed the door behind me wearing my sport clothes. I crossed the main street and headed to the beach. Straight ahead and […]
Back to the roots – Puebla, Mex., May 2019

LAlthough it is strange, I stick to the plan of not having a plan. This time, I do not really feel like seeing all the new places in the city and making a huge tour through the country. Anyhow, it would be sad to do it by myself. I just want to be here, like […]
Life in paradise – 6.4.19

I woke up again very early. Who cares what time it was. I took the huge papaya I bought the day before for not more than 2 Euro, had a small breakfast and closed the door behind me wearing my sport clothes. I crossed the main street and headed to the beach. Straight ahead and […]
On the way to my paradise – Frankfurt am Main 3.4.19

It’s been a while since I’ve been home. Or to one of my homes, to be specific.This time it is different. I look forward to staying a little bit longer. The usual two to three weeks are never enough to visit family, friends, travel around and relax.But to finally be home, there are usually some […]
Error de principiante – 13.01.2019

De hecho estoy enferma y con las ganas de un convaleciente, pero el viaje ya estaba comprado. Una pareja de amigos había logrado convencernos de hacer un crucero por las Islas Canarias. En ese momento me encontraba en la disyuntiva de aclarar cuándo sería mi último día de trabajo antes de la pausa. En ese […]
De Alemania a Bilbao

En algún lugar de Francia Posted by Yamel L. Baquero on Saturday, September 01. 2018 Este fin de semana hemos salido huyendo de las presiones del trabajo. Para conseguir un lugar en el camping de Reaubouville durante las festividades, salimos el viernes con la idea de llegar y trabajar desde allí con el internet inalámbrico. […]